Partnering with SCYP


The Sustainable City Year Program helps Oregon communities find real, cutting-edge solutions for some of their most challenging problems. Learn more about how SCYP can bring lasting impact to your city.








SCYP is an example of Oregon innovation and leadership. We leverage existing resources to create meaningful, society-wide value that benefits all parties involved. Undergraduate and graduate students across disciplines including business, planning, public adminstration, journalism, architecture, and more engage in the projects identified by partner cities to develop recommendations that bring the best of the creativity, freedom, and rigor of academia to the “real world.” By getting students involved in real projects through their coursework, SCYP prepares students to enter the workforce and keeps talent in Oregon. Moreover, the vast majority of student outputs get incorporated into community plans and projects, creating lasting impact years into the future.

“Here’s the deal [the City of Salem] brokered with the University of Oregon and Portland State: We’ll invest just over $300,000 to support a one year research and design project that will leave Salem $12 million richer!

No kidding. In September, more than 600 students began a year of academic coursework, building upon Salem City Council’s priorities for increasing livability, sustainability, traffic navigability, cultural excitement, citizen participation and economic vitality. Before wrapping the project next June, graduate students from schools of: business, architecture, law, transportation engineering, public policy, journalism, arts and humanities, etc. will expend more than 80,000 hours into Salem’s Sustainable Cities Initiative package. Consider the ‘normal’ cost for that kind of consulting and you see how quickly the value mounts into the millions of dollars.”

– “Graduate Students Nurture Salem’s Sustainable Future,” Salem Business Journal

Faculty walks alongside worker with helmet on
Work with Our Outstanding Faculty

SCYP classes are taught by award winning faculty across a range of departments. These faculty are dedicated to advancing and directing student contributions towards communities and public agencies throughout the state.


Benefits to Communities

  • Increased capacity
  • Expanded breadth of conversation
  • Opportunity to test riskier ideas
  • Increased outreach
  • Ability to move projects forward
  • Engagement with marginalized groups
  • Development of material for future grant submissions
  • Energized staff and community
  • Coordinated entry point to university
  • Workforce-ready, public service-oriented graduates